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I. Church Participants


Christ Community Church of Chattanooga celebrates the redemptive reality that we are a kingdom of believers unitied as one body in Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27). Thus we believe all believers in Jesus Christ and the full gospel are one church and one body. Therefore, each participant of the congregation is infinitely important to the corporate ministry of Christ Community Church. Christ Community Church shall humbly seek to walk out for Christ and His Kingdom (Ephesians 4:2-3). Participation at Christ Community Christ shall consist of individuals/families (husband/wife/children) who have made a profession of their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and who, having been scripturally baptized/immersed by receiving of the Holy Spirit.


II. Church Officers



The office of the Pastor is given by the Lord Jesus Christ as a gift to the local church. (Eph 4:11, Jer 3:15) The congregation finds it’s headship (leading, direction and rule) under the Lord in it’s Pastor. Their office and person should be respected and honored in this sacred calling as the spiritual overseer of the church. They are given the general rule and supervision over all it’s functions, direction, decisions and welfare.




1. To Minister the Word of God (Acts 6:4, 20:28) to the church by Preaching and Teaching it’s truths.


2. They shall conduct and oversee the public services for worship.


3. They will visit the sick and minister to them as needed.


4. They shall fulfill the qualifications set before them in (1 Tim 3:1-7)


5. They will be the overseer and Head Officer over all ministries, committees, and meetings. (1 Pet 5:2, Heb 13:17)


6. They will call all meetings for any reasons of business transactions as well as spiritual matters. No meetings will be held without their knowledge

    and consent.


7. All selections and appointments of individuals to any ministry must be by their approval. They have the authority to remove any individual from

    ministry for due and just reason.


8. They shall be responsible for the appointment, supervision and direction of all employees of the church. They will have the authority to hire and       terminate any employee.


Calling: The appointment of an individual to the office of the Pastor of the church will take part in the following matter:


1. The Fellowship of Deacons will select a “Search Committee” for seeking out an individual to candidate for Pastor of the church.


2. The Search Committee will meet with the candidates and examine their beliefs. This is to make certain that the individual is in agreement

         with our doctrine, worship, practice, stand and constitution.


3. A date will be given to the candidate as provided by the Fellowship of Deacons for preaching a service. If so desired by the Fellowship of

         Deacons additional dates may be given to the candidate to preach.


4. A meeting will be called by the Chairman of the Fellowship of Deacons with the entire church. A date and time will be selected of three weeks

         advanced notice for consensus agreement of the individual for Pastor.


5. The individual may take office immediately or as soon as possible after recommendation.


A date and ceremony of installation to the office of Pastor will be selected by the Fellowship of Deacons with the new Pastor. Consensus building is a group process for choosing between alternatives or making recommendations that have been cooperatively developed and consented to by all in the group. So what does it mean for a selection to have been "consented to by all in the group"? It does not mean that the selection is everyone's preferred choice, but rather, that everyone can understand it and support it. This sounds simple in theory, but in practice it is difficult because most of us are used to voting and majority rule. Why, then, is consensus building the mode of operation for the Church? There are three principal reasons:


1. Unity:

     The consensus process almost always creates unity and strength within theparticipants because it encourages cooperation among the body in          seeking understandingand acceptance. If all the participants cannot arrive at consensus, perhaps it is not thebest action for the church, and the

     Search Committee should continue searching.


2. Understanding:

     Since the Search Committtee exists to provide consultation, its function is best served by the consensus process. The Church does not get much

     benefit from a vote on the basis of decision. Therefore, it is important for the church to understand any and all reason of a participant’s

     decision. This cannot be determined from a vote, but it can be determined from the process of seeking consensus.


3. Strength:

     When a consensus recommendation is made by the Council, the Pastor should prayerfully and thoughtfully consider the recommendation, unless

     it contradicts Church law or teaching.


When the Pastoral Advisory Council speaks by consensus, the Pastor, as their father-in-faith, is morally obliged to listen. Termination: The Pastor can be removed from office temporarily or permanently upon the following:


1. Their desire to resign his office or retire. They must give a 30 day advance written notice to the Church and Fellowship of Deacons.


2. Falling into a sinful condition bringing shame upon Christ, the Church, their family and own testimony expressing an unwillingness to repent of

    their sin. Also, refusing


3. The Pastor has the option to resign immediately with prejudice.




The office of the Deacon was given to help and serve the Pastor in the work of the ministry at the local church.


1. The word Deacon is from the Greek “Diakonos” (Phil 1:1) meaning servant, one who carries out the commands of another. (see Acts 6:1-8) 


2. It is an office which is to be respected and honored by the church. 




1. They is to serve and assist the Pastor wherever and whenever they is required by the Pastor to do so.


2. They are to fulfill the qualifications of a Deacon in (1 Tim 3:8-13).


3. They will be given specific areas of ministry to supervise and function in as designated by the Pastor.


4. They are to be responsible for assisting in the Lord’s Supper, Baptism, visitation of the sick and shut-ins, anointing of the sick with oil, laying on

    of hands with prayer. (James 5:13-16)


5. They will aid in the helping of financial assistance for the poor and needy of the congregation.


6. They will be required to attend business and training meetings as well as any other necessary meetings called for by the Pastor.


7. They will represent the church in the making of all financial decisions. When a financial decision needs to be made of major importance effecting

    the future course of the church, the Deacons will agree with consensus on the matter. They will then bring the matter to the congregation for

    final approval with consensus.


8. The Deacons will also hold the title of “Trustee” regarding the corporation status of appoint the titles of office to each Deacon. (temporarily)


9. They will be responsible for the care and oversight of all the church property and assets.


10. The Deacons will act as developers of the Search Committee in the event of the need for a Pastor for the church.


11. They will be responsible for the recommendation of the Pastor’s salary and benefits. They will meet annually with the Pastor to review their

      financial needs.


12. The Pastor will appoint one Deacon to the position of “Chair. ” The “Chair of the Board” will act as overseer of the Deacons. Calling:

     A. The Pastor will select individuals for review and approval for this position.

     B. They will then bring the individual to the Chair or Deacon Board for review and approval.

     C. The individual will then be brought to the congregation for approval. (The congregation will be given no less than two weeks notice regarding

         this matter)

     D. Upon approval, the individual will be ordained into this office at a chosen date by the Pastor.


Termination: The removal from this office would be such:


1. The Deacon’s request to be removed for his own personal reasons.


2. The Pastor’s decision for the well-being of the church based the following:

     A. Falling into a sinful or shameful condition and testimony

     B. Unwillingness to repent of their wrongs

     C. Unfaithfulness to their appointed ministry

     D. Inability to perform their ministry properly


3. The principles of (Matt 18:15-17) would be applied in this matter.




The Treasurer shall have the responsibility of assuring that the adopted budget is adhered to. It shall recommend financial policies to the church and shall foster and promote programs of stewardship. In consultation with the Church Council for the new church year, it shall draw up and submit to the church an annual budget during the month of October for the next calendar year. Also, shall be responsible for the annual audit of the treasurer's books.




There is a variety and diversity of ministries operating in the local congregation. There sole purpose is to help fulfill the mission and vision statement of the church glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ in all things. Some examples are: Children’s Church, Kitchen/Food Ministry, Discipleship/Outreach, Evangelism, etc. Sound and faithful leadership is needed.


CallingEach ministry leader will be appointed by the Pastor.


1. There ministry will be under the care and oversight of a Deacon.


2. They may serve for a maximum term of three years in their ministry, as leader.




1. They are expected to be a good example and testimony of Christ as a leader before others.


2. They are to be participants of faithful standing in accordance with the church's standards.


3. They will be given a guideline in the ministry they are leading in and they are expected to serve within these guidelines.


4. They are to be servant/leaders above all.


Termination: Removal from their particular ministry is such:


1. Upon their request .


2. Upon the Pastor’s request.


III. Church Committees


All church committee members shall be appointed by the church from nominations presented by the Nominating Committee, and nominations from the floor with the consent of the nominee.


1. There shall be a minimum of three (3) committee members with a chairperson.


2. Any committee member elected to fill any vacancy shall serve the unexpired term of the position vacated.


3. Each committee chairperson shall submit an annual budget request to the Church Treasurer.


IV. Business of the Church


Section 1:


Paid Personnel 

1. The paid staff shall consist of the Pastor, Assistant Pastors, Secretaries, Minister of Music, and other positions as needed.


2. See job descriptions for employee job qualifications and duties.


Section 2:



1. The church shall be supported by tithes, free-will offering, special offering and gifts.


2. The fiscal year shall begin on January 1, and end December 31.


V. Membership


There are no "members" in the sense of meeting requirements or being accepted into membership.


1. The right to participate in this organization shall be open to all persons. Christ Community Church celebrates the redemptive reality that we are a     kingdom of believers unity as one body in Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27).


2. Thus we believe all believers in Jesus Christ and the full gospel are one church and one body. 

    A. Therefore, each participant of the congregation is infinitely important to the corporate ministry of Christ Community Church.


3. Christ Community Church shall humbly seek to walk out for Christ and His Kingdom (Ephesians 4:2-3). 


4. Participation at Christ Community Christ shall consist of individuals/families (husband/wife/children) who have made a profession of their faith in       Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and who, having been scripturally baptized/immersed by the receiving of the Holy Spirit.


5. Family unity is essential to participation at Christ Community Church; therefore, if participant is unequally yoke with church participation spiritual       unity counsel will be required.


VI. Church Meetings


1. Worship Services:The church shall meet regularly each Sunday morning for the worship of God, for preaching, instruction, evangelism, and on

    any other night, designated for prayer, Bible study, or small groups. These meetings will be open for all participants of the church and for all

    people and shall be conducted under the direction of the Pastor or designated church officer in the absence of the Pastor.


2. Regular Business Meetings: Regular business meetings shall be held at a minimum of semi-annually. The agenda shall be circulated or made

    known to the church two weeks prior to the business meeting. Should there be any unusual meeting or matter of unusual interest to be brought

    before such regular meeting, notice shall be given to the membership two weeks prior to that meeting.


2. Special Business Meeting: A special called business meeting may be called by the Pastor or Chair of the Deacon Board to consider special           matters of significant nature. A two-week written notice or announcement must be given for the especially called business meeting.


VII. Church Property


The church building has been erected and set apart for God’s glory, and in this sense should be used only for such activities.


1. The church will offer its services for such events as weddings and funerals at the discretion of the deacons and trustees for non-members.


2. No secret societies, or any person who is involved in same sex relationships (couples), or group who endorse political views contrary to the Word     of God, will be permitted to hold services or perform rituals in the building.


VIII. Licensing and Ordaining


A. Licensing: 

     Any member of the church who has shown by his life and has felt the call to the gospel ministry may under the apprenticeship of the Pastor      

     seek to be licensed by the church to the Christian ministry.


B. Ordination:

     The church shall consider a participant of Christ Community Church who possesses scriptural qualifications as demonstrated by their skills and

     training for the work of the gospel for ordination. Deacons of the church may be ordained as deacons upon the recommendation of the Pastor

     and Chair of the Deacon Board.


IX. Church Discipline


Should any unhappy differences arise among participants; the aggrieved participant shall follow in a tender spirit, the rules given by our Lord in Matthew 18:15-17.


1. Should any case of gross breach of covenant, or of public scandal occur, the fellowship of deacons shall endeavor to resolve the conflict.


2. And if this effort fails, shall report the case to the Pastor in order to present to the church.


3. All such proceedings shall be pervaded by a spirit of Christian kindness and forbearance, but should an adverse decision be reached, the church       may proceed to admonish or declare the offender to be no longer a healthy participant of Christ Community Church.


4. Any person whose participation has been marked unhealthy for any offense may be restored by counseling, confession, and repentance.


X. Availability


The Church Clerk shall keep a completed and up-to-date copy of the constitution and by-laws on file at all times. Copies shall be made available to all new members and prospective members upon request. Also, electronic copies will be provided online on the church’s website.

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